Top 10 movies in tamil

 There are many great movies made in the Tamil language film industry, popularly known as Kollywood, and the top movies can vary depending on personal preferences, cultural context, and other factors. However, here are some of the most highly regarded movies of all time in Tamil Nadu:

1. Baasha (1995)

2. Nayagan (1987)

3. Thalapathi (1991)

4. Vikram Vedha (2017)

5. Mouna Ragam (1986)

6. Roja (1992)

7. Pariyerum Perumal (2018)

8. Kaala (2018)

9. Thevar Magan (1992)

10. Kabali (2016)

Please note that this list is not exhaustive and there are many other movies that are highly regarded and may be considered "top" by different people. Also, there are many other regional language movies that may be popular and highly regarded within a specific language and region in Tamil Nadu.


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